Who Benefits

AppCentri's online software program saves students, schools and administrators valuable time and money by expertly streamlining the local scholarship application process to make it simple, fast and reliable.

While competitor sites offer a basic scholarship search engine function, AppCentri is positioning itself as an industry leader by providing a more comprehensive solution. Its user-friendly online tools and automation features encourage students to take full advantage of scholarships in their area.

After completing their profile, students can sit back and watch as their data automatically populates into each application form.

All transcripts, references and essays are quickly uploaded and safely stored within each student's document manager.


  • Complete more scholarship applications in less time.
  • Quickly upload and safely store transcripts, reference letters and essays within your document manager. 
  • Store and reuse essays from your essay manager.
  • Easily manage scholarships and application submissions.
  • Record honors, awards, and activities in your profile to easily add to your applications.
  • Create a well-formatted activities or job resume in one click.
  • Electronically invite, manage, and attach personal references to applications.


  • Save time and money by eliminating the hard copies of applications and supporting documents.
  • Be more efficient in collecting applications from students and distributing applications to committee members.
  • Easily monitor and support student progress.
  • Increase student participation.
  • Increase college funding opportunities for students; increase college enrollments.
  • Automate the process of attaching transcripts, personal references, and other supporting documents to individual applications in one pdf.
  • Invite committee members via email to view applications and supporting documents online.


  • Create a less stressful experience for you and your child.
  • Motivate child to complete more applications.
  • Facilitate child's application progress.
  • Ensure child's privacy. Information collected will remain secure and confidential.

Scholarship Providers / Foundations

  • Update and distribute scholarship applications more efficiently and economically.
  • Increase the number of applicants.
  • Simplify and automate review process using AppCentri's online committee portal.

If you'd like to make AppCentri part of your students' scholarship process, please get in touch today, and be part of the movement to enable more young people to secure funding for their higher education.